Friday, October 9, 2009

Make it a great day! (Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians)

As I went on my run today I realized that I'm not practicing what I preach. I have spent the last year researching social media and the power of engagement and the web. One thing that we have had a huge hunger for has been traditional news. With the globalization of the web and social media we no longer allow information to be dictated too us. Folks this is powerful. For the first time in the overflow of news we can choose to engage in the news we want to read about. We can choose to subscribe to the Google reader info we want to learn more. We can choose to blog or subscribe to the blogs of our choice. What does all this mean? Every day we have a choice to look at the positive or negative of every situation. In our universe we have people looking at the same thing choosing to look at the information in a positive or negative manner. I want all of us to take this day before Thanksgiving (Canada) to make a pledge for one day to look at only the positive of your situations and see what starts happening in your life. I did! Enjoy!

I want to wish all my Canadian friends and family Happy Thanksgiving! Your dreams and inspirations are what we choose to make happen. The choice is yours. Make the positive choice a standard in your life right now.

Make it a great day!

Grandma Betty we are all here for you and wish you all the love and happiness to a full recovery from your surgery!

I want to thank all my friends and family for your love and support. Special thanks to Bobby-Jo who was my inspiration for this blog. Thank you for being in my life. XOXOXO

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