Thursday, October 27, 2011

“We quite suddenly realized that we were looking at a general pattern”: Q&A with Richard Wilkinson

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ont. drivers pay highest insurance rates | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Scientific Sensibility

Friday, August 5, 2011

I wanted to share with my network that Rogers just does not seem to get it when it comes to servicing customers. After many years of loyalty they did not seem to care or discuss just cut off. Happy to start a new relationship with my friends from TELUS! Please use email over the weekend and Monday 416-627-8631 will be back. Sorry for any inconveniences. Please email me at until Monday.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 perspective of our current economical state and where we came from and where we are heading. Thanks for sharing Don.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What wakes you up in the Morning?

Listened to Bill Taylor (The co-founder of Fast Company. Taylor (who no longer works at Fast Company) has authored two best-selling business book (Mavericks At Work and Practically Radical), is a professor at Babson Collegeand a columnist for The Guardian newspaper.) speak at a function about the key thing that companies need to focus on and he believes this is creating an emotional connection with your community. The day of speeds and feeds are over. We must entice consumers by demonstrating that we have a unique and untraditional way to do things. So starting today dare to be different if you want a different outcome. Not only be different be incredible. Not only incredible be unforgettable.

Look at banking. A business that makes money on our money! Making record breaking profits on charging us more than the value we receive. We must revise our banking and not tolerate these fees. We need a bank to step up from the norm and demonstrate they want our business. Who will be first….? Who will dare to be different?

We look at Insurance companies receiving our monthly premiums for the day we die and allowing our loves ones to have access to the money….Great concept. Have you ever tried to reach someone in these institutions? Did you feel like they were doing you a favor? What happens when no one claims these funds? Do they try to find us? What happens when we miss a monthly payment...? Policy ends…Is this fair? This structure is not appropriate at this time. We want more flexibility and new services that meet today’s needs. Dare to be different. What insurance company has the guts to stand up and revolutionize the Insurance industry?

The truth is, every product or service has this opportunity right in front of them but elect to play it safe, no risk, but then no return.

Let’s see who demonstrates to the people they want our business. I will end this entry with two powerful statements/questions from Bill.

“Don’t limit what you know today by innovation to imagine.”

“Am I learning as fast as the world is changing?”

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

Thursday, June 2, 2011

TheStar Citizens urge review judge to get to bottom of G20
McDonald's: Interactive 'Pick N' Play' Billboard

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Alterian Social Media Monitoring | Take a tour

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I have 3 seats section 107 Row 7 seats 3-5 for today's Toronto TFC game vs Columbus. Let me know if you want to have them. Face value is $77 each. 416-627-8631 Cheers,

Monday, March 28, 2011
The time is now to start your business. Do you trust Richard Branson?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Earthquake/Asia-Pacific Tsunami- Canadian Red Cross

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Competitive Imperative | PropertyCasualty360

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Emergency Standard Card Launching to Help FirstResponders Save Lives
How to Build a Business Case for Application Modernization - Enterprise Applications - News & Reviews - If you want some valuable tips in moving forward on your legacy modernization project please read. Thanks for sharing Tim.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Facebook 2010 Growth Stats: Infographic

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011 | The Age of Persuasion

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why do we teach our children in life that having things easy or effortless is bad?

Let me explain, everyone of us has a talent in something. I think it’s up to each one of us to figure out our purpose in life. As a parent we all want the best for our children so we should guide them to follow their passions and dreams. When we follow our passions it should feel effortless.

But the current school curriculum does not encourage anything but follow the outdated course material. It’s not the teacher’s fault. They are trained to follow the book that’s their job.

Who creates this course material? Government!

Do they have a pulse of the changing landscape? No!

Meaning Baby Boomers are not the largest demographic any more. Yes they are usually in a leadership role but they really do not understand the new world. Gen X has grown up with the internet. This group completely understands the power and reach of the web. They understand the power of building an on-line community. One of the most important elements today is the power of online content. People/companies do research on everything so if you have a product or service it’s your responsibility to provide consistent accurate content to share with your community.

Our current education system is designed to train us to work for the big company because that’s what you were supposed to do. NOT today!

Think about your favourite school experiences!

For me that was the teacher that said it’s a beautiful day lets do the lesson sitting on the grass outside. I remember feeling the wind and the smell of the fresh air.

Thank you Mr. Marshal!

He understood that the rules did not always make sense when the ultimate outcome is to learn from experiences. That’s why today I still remember this. What is life all about….?


Our schools need to teach that learning involves a mutual opportunity to share and listen with our children. Not a dictatorship.

We are taught from an early age to follow the rules. What happens when we don’t follow the rules?

We get punished.


Because taking a different path is not comfortable for schools or companies. Life is much easier to manage if we all do the same thing. So just follow the rules. LOL!

But….what if the rules do not make any sense for today?

What if the landscape has changed with technology and knowledge that we can truly follow our passions?

Does this change everything?

I think so.

As a parent we should guide our children to follow their effortless path. Our world will be much more positive don’t you think?

What happens when we enter the workforce after University?

We create a resume to get a job for the company.

What form does it take?

The same form that everyone else uses because that’s what you are supposed to do. Did we not create the CV for the job that wants you to follow the rules?

But what are employers really looking for? Something Different?

The next Richard Branson, Bill Gates with unique and valuable assets to the company. However you have to get past the manager or HR person that really does not understand the goal of the CEO.

Change must start with parents and lets start encouraging are children to follow their effortless path. The fact they can’t exceed in math or English does not really matter on the big picture, does it?

So what are you going to do?

Teach your children to follow the script or follow their dreams? Or teach them to recognize their strengths and if they really enjoy something and/or it feels effortless to not feel shameful but to follow this path?

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Social Media Relevance is the Key | Mark Evans Tech

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Facebook Statistics, Stats & Facts For 2011
Facebook Statistics, Stats & Facts For 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

On the 12 steps to a compassionate life: Q&A with Karen Armstrong

Monday, January 10, 2011

Nike 6.0 Launches The iDNation Community

Thursday, January 6, 2011

KLM's Passenger Social Surprise Experiment

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Netflix Being Added To TV Remotes — 5 More Buttons That Are Likely Coming Soon
Infographic: Most Viewed/Shared Brands 2010