Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Looking for a good publisher. Please recommend.


Saturday, April 24, 2010


A good friend of mine Mike St.Cyr has introduced me to a most ingenious relationship management tool...actually, a very cost effective service and I wanted to share with my network. He did it by sending me an actual creative greeting card that I just had to call and compliment him on. I instantly knew I had to add the service to my offerings for my customers and clients to assist them in gaining a competitive advantage in this global economy.

What a fantastic way to manage your personal and business relationships with resounding impact. Breathe life back into the lost art of the personal touch!

Imagine, from the comfort of any computer, anywhere, anytime, to send a personalized greeting card for under a buck! Not an e-card and not just any card...a professionally printed customized card with your digital images, your own handwriting and signature. Now imagine the power of adding a gift as well!

This solution will save you time, money... and enhance your relationships. It allows you to import your client info, keep track and email reminders to you of important dates, manage direct mail campaigns.

The best way to experience Sendoutcards is to visit www.sendoutcards.com/dragonfundraising and click on "send a free card". Try it and have fun. Please provide feedback and share what you think.

Make it a great weekend!


Infographic: Instant Messaging Facts & Figures http://ping.fm/WPwwG

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Marketing has changed drastically over the last couple of years…..For the better!

As I have developed my career in providing consultative solutions for my customers and clients I realize that a shift has happened. For the first time the consumer/customer is driving the ship. For some brands this is a scary vulnerable and uncomfortable position to be in. For others it’s invigorating. I’m leaning towards the later.

Let me share why?

We as consumers have never had so many vehicles to share and interact with our brands and most importantly give our stories good or bad with our favourite brands. We have removed the guessing to speak and hear from the sources on how we want things as consumers. Now we must use these channels to create extraordinary experiences for customers and companies. If we begin to execute on what’s in front of us every one wins! However the key element for these initiatives to be successful everyone must give for the purpose of giving.

Respect comes into play with 2010 marketing where the customer is very informed and in some cases more informed than the brand marketers…..But in this new world that’s okay and should be supported.


It’s all about passion. Let the champion users share their stories.

What’s the most powerful brand message one can have?

A customer sharing on video why they love a product or solution!

So let them share! The media vehicles are in place. On the other end of the spectrum if your community thinks the product or solution sucks embrace their feedback and learn from their comments and rebuild. What an amazing world where we can have constant engagement with our loyal followers.

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

Marketing has changed drastically over the last couple of years…..For the better!

As I have developed my career in providing consultative solutions for my customers and clients I realize that a shift has happened. For the first time the consumer/customer is driving the ship. For some brands this is a scary vulnerable and uncomfortable position to be in. For others it’s invigorating. I’m leaning towards the later.

Let me share why?

We as consumers have never had so many vehicles to share and interact with our brands and most importantly give our stories good or bad with our favourite brands. We have removed the guessing to speak and hear from the sources on how we want things as consumers. Now we must use these channels to create extraordinary experiences for customers and companies. If we begin to execute on what’s in front of us every one wins! However the key element for these initiatives to be successful everyone must give for the purpose of giving.

Respect comes into play with 2010 marketing where the customer is very informed and in some cases more informed than the brand marketers…..But in this new world that’s okay and should be supported.


It’s all about passion. Let the champion users share their stories.

What’s the most powerful brand message one can have?

A customer sharing on video why they love a product or solution!

So let them share! The media vehicles are in place. On the other end of the spectrum if your community thinks the product or solution sucks embrace their feedback and learn from their comments and rebuild. What an amazing world where we can have constant engagement with our loyal followers.

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

Sunday, April 18, 2010

How does Social Media fit into our lives from a business and personal world?

Since we have known of our existence we have longed for where do we come from? Two basic camps one God created everything and the other scientific “Big Bang Theory” and we moved on…. Either way we have learned to work together for remarkable achievements that have advanced our society to unheralded accomplishments. On the other side we have these strange challenges like Cancer that no matter how much money we give to this cause we are not smart enough to uncover a cure. Some people believe that we are but all the money pouring into our pharmaceutical industry would stop so cures will never be provided for all things. Does this statement contradict the concept of giving?

As human beings we know we have some physical, mental, and psychological limitations. If mastered and understood could be manipulated and taken advantage of. One of the largest countries in the world has this channel called CNN that is a leader in propaganda and I witnessed this first hand attend attending University on a scholarship as the Desert Storm war was going on. The US (CNN) talked only about successes but the rest of the world was not given this sugar coated view…..


Can we believe what we hear, view, listen too?

We trust certain sources but do we trust media empires that make their money from advertisements that want us to be certain things that satisfy a product or service.

Do you think companies like Proctor and Gamble care about our health or about making money for their shareholders?

I hope both…..Let me give you an example of an ad that is running today. Fusion razor blades providing a man’s face or a woman’s leg with 5 blades to give us the best shave a person can have….PERFECT!.....WRONG!

P&G reached a limitation that was not thought out…The blade is so good a person can use it for ever without having to buy more.

What does P&G do?

They introduce a strip that once worn means you need a new blade.

Why do we trust companies so much with are well being?

We throw it out and back to the store we go. Around and around we go. People we must stop these predictable behaviours to take control of the propaganda advertisement that fuels the best paid industry on our planet….ENTERTAINMENT!

We have ambulance workers making next to nothing that save lives every day and we pay someone that makes us laugh on TV Millions and Billions?


Millions of us watch these shows and the money flows down to the reasons why we watch.


Not exactly….Advertisers pay to get in front of us while we watch the shows. (Most extreme Super Bowl)

How can we end this vicious cycle?

Stop watching TV and the industry busts….Or find a new way to watch TV like internet TV.

Who owns the internet?

Web TV is already here and will take over very soon.


Cable companies have been gauging us for years on a fixed cost infrastructure and now we are fed up with the low quality service and no value programming that has been dictated to us for years.

So now what?

Cable companies will suffer and they should for not keeping up to provide us with value we deserve.

Have we seen this before?

Can you say……..newspapers!? My youngest daughter will never read one and she has never typed a formal letter….Loves to read books but will learn these new ways to be informed and in this world she will be in control of what information she chooses to be pushed to her reader.

Reading the newspaper is not dead just the vehicle of buying a tree to read yesterdays news and throw away is! Especially when the same content can be read online and shared with all your colleagues and friends on all your social media choices. I can share my own experience on this topic. I was that avid newspaper reader that never thought I would give up the morning paper to read yesterdays news…..But I have and enjoy the experience even more now online so I can share with my different communities.

We no longer accept yesterday news so we know newspaper and publication business will change or they are dead…….we want everything right now!

Who can wait a day for the information?

We want instantaneous in everything…..Weight Loss, Relationships, and Money. We have no time to wait.

Who do we talk too when we want to make a major purchase?

We share with our closest circle of family and friends. Now we have our loyal network of connections, friends, followers, just a click away so use them! Let’s take control of our lives one day at a time.

The power is yours!

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

How does Social Media fit into our lives from a business and personal world?

Since we have known of our existence we have longed for where do we come from?

Two basic camps one God created everything and the other scientific “Big Bang Theory” and we moved on…. Either way we have learned to work together for remarkable achievements that have advanced our society to unheralded accomplishments. On the other side we have these strange challenges like Cancer that no matter how much money we give to this cause we are not smart enough to uncover a cure. Some people believe that we are but all the money pouring into our pharmaceutical industry would stop so cures will never be provided for all things. Does this statement contradict the concept of giving?

As human beings we know we have some physical, mental, and psychological limitations. If mastered and understood could be manipulated and taken advantage of. One of the largest countries in the world has this channel called CNN that is a leader in propaganda and I witnessed this first hand attend attending University on a scholarship as the Desert Storm war was going on. The US (CNN) talked only about successes but the rest of the world was not given this sugar coated view…..


Can we believe what we hear, view, listen too?

We trust certain sources but do we trust media empires that make their money from advertisements that want us to be certain things that satisfy a product or service.

Do you think companies like Proctor and Gamble care about our health or about making money for their shareholders?

I hope both…..Let me give you an example of an ad that is running today. Fusion razor blades providing a man’s face or a woman’s leg with 5 blades to give us the best shave a person can have….PERFECT!.....WRONG!

P&G reached a limitation that was not thought out…The blade is so good a person can use it for ever without having to buy more.

What does P&G do?

They introduce a strip that once worn means you need a new blade.

Why do we trust companies so much with are well being?

We throw it out and back to the store we go. Around and around we go. People we must stop these predictable behaviours to take control of the propaganda advertisement that fuels the best paid industry on our planet….ENTERTAINMENT!

We have ambulance workers making next to nothing that save lives every day and we pay someone that makes us laugh on TV Millions and Billions?


Millions of us watch these shows and the money flows down to the reasons why we watch.


Not exactly….Advertisers pay to get in front of us while we watch the shows. (Most extreme Super Bowl)

How can we end this vicious cycle?

Stop watching TV and the industry busts….Or find a new way to watch TV like internet TV.

Who owns the internet?

Web TV is already here and will take over very soon.


Cable companies have been gauging us for years on a fixed cost infrastructure and now we are fed up with the low quality service and no value programming that has been dictated to us for years.

So now what?

Cable companies will suffer and they should for not keeping up to provide us with value we deserve.

Have we seen this before?

Can you say……..newspapers!? My youngest daughter will never read one and she has never typed a formal letter….Loves to read books but will learn these new ways to be informed and in this world she will be in control of what information she chooses to be pushed to her reader.

Reading the newspaper is not dead just the vehicle of buying a tree to read yesterdays news and throw away is! Especially when the same content can be read online and shared with all your colleagues and friends on all your social media choices. I can share my own experience on this topic. I was that avid newspaper reader that never thought I would give up the morning paper to read yesterdays news…..But I have and enjoy the experience even more now online so I can share with my different communities.

We no longer accept yesterday news so we know newspaper and publication business will change or they are dead…….we want everything right now!

Who can wait a day for the information?

We want instantaneous in everything…..Weight Loss, Relationships, and Money. We have no time to wait.

Who do we talk too when we want to make a major purchase or decision?

We share with our closest circle of family and friends. Now we have our loyal network of connections, friends, followers, just a click away so use them! Let’s take control of our lives one day at a time.

The power is yours!

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How are you GIVING back to society?

We know that life has laws. We know that achievement has laws. If you ask anyone that achieved a goal in life how did you do it? They will usually share; hard work, determination, goals, vision, many failures and the most important an attitude that failing to achieve the goal is not an option. It’s our choice. At some point in our lives we realize that we must fail to achieve. I know that I have done my share of failures and will do many more.

In order for you to achieve you must focus on doing something truly remarkable and better than anyone else. If it was easy to do everyone would do it. The most difficult part is getting back on the horse and staying focused on your goal. Every one of us has overcome a hurdle in life and achieved. We are all capable of achieving a goal or dream in our lives and the day you believe this will be the day that you will never look back to the fears in your own life.

To prove this concept I’m writing a book following the laws of success and incorporating these social media technologies to reach as many people in the world as possible. I plan on demonstrating the concept and prove the power of social media can expedite your success if used correctly. If I know the outcome because I will be applying the formula of success and failure is not an option I will succeed. As I type this blog I sit in my house with a beautiful view of a great sunny day. I had breakfast with my daughter and made her lunch. I have been working on my mission in life over the last two years knowing and believing in my purpose and quest in life are to help others by giving. I know that anything can be achieved if you focus on your goal(s) every day. Each to their own but I keep my goals written down on piece of paper in my wallet. The famous Ernest Nightingale the pioneer of achievement provided me this tip. You can get his CD record recording any where. Highly recommend listening too it. I keep mine in the car so when I have a set back I play it to keep me focused on my goals. He provided a 30 day test. Start yours today.

I have seen a need in this world for vision and clarity and most importantly focus. In the old days most of our parents and grandparents went to church but now most of us do not attend. (Statistical #’s only) We really have no governing body other than our criminal laws for our actions and the powers of the universe that we as humans have not uncovered but something else is out there spiritually. This is where many people’s spirituality or religious belief fulfills. Let me give you an example. How many times have you picked up the phone and the person you were thinking about is on the other line? Sometimes it has not even rung….LOL! I know this has happened too you… chance, fate, or destiny?

For me focus meant having a goal of playing soccer and my desire to play for my country in the Jr. World Cup and then a desire and focus to have a soccer scholarship and always wanting to be the best player I could be. Three knee surgeries later focused on academics and building a network of great people that I could call upon to drive value. My focus on these goals caused me to achieve. It was not until 2006 and I had a near death car accident that really made me reflect to who I was and where I was going. I will never forget hugging my girls when I got home from the hospital and not wanting to let them go. I realized that the powers above were giving me a warning that I was not on the right path. My focus or path was financial only. WRONG! What if I died that day? What would have happened to my girls? I was being selfish in thinking that climbing a corporate tower and making more money and spending less time with my family was the goal of life to achieve that financial freedom we see presented around us every day. Let me share you a secret that nearly cost me my life and my daughters their father…..MONEY is not what life is about. GIVING is what life’s all about. Fortunately I have uncovered this belief now in my thirties. I have plenty of time on this planet to make things happen and pass off to my children and next generations to come and know the mission will continue on. The bible teaches us about giving and Jesus giving (the ultimate sacrifice one can give) his life for civilization. What about all the soldiers fighting for their countries right now sacrificing their lives some where in the world for all of us? What about all the men and women that place themselves in danger every day for our safety and protection? These are the ultimate sacrifices. No strings just pure giving. Next time you see a man or lady in uniform say thanks! Just a little thank you can go along way!

Now I want to change my direction and dedicate my life to helping others. This is why I’m writing a book to share my findings that many of you already know. We only receive what we give. If we don’t contribute to society or an association we will not receive anything from the experience. This is another law of the Universe that cannot be broken.

The web turned 40 this year and we have now uncovered some true powers of this global information highway that nobody owns. Now with a click of the button we can share information with our community that does not have to be truthful or real but because we feel it should be shared? Notice the “Truthful” word. Be careful lots of chatter and it’s important for us as individuals and as companies to ask ourselves where this information came from and if this is a credible source. We have social media tools and applications at are finger tips. Now we must make a decision to what we do with these tools. Some people want to bring in the regulators because that’s what we are used too. Always people telling us what we can or can not do. What if the world has changed now and we know right from wrong and we do not want regulatory agencies telling us what we can and can not do. Why do we want regulators? Now we are always just a click away from sending a message/tweet to millions of people all over the world. In life we always have a choice and history repeats itself so we know some people will use this new power to bring greatness and touch many people’s lives. We will have criminals that will try and cheat our universe and end up back behind bars or on the run. Let’s focus on the positive. We have never been in such a great position to truly achieve greatness in what ever we want in our own lives by giving to fellow citizens. The possibilities are endless.

Imagine if we could have families register in a system on line that would notify the world that they need some type of assistance and immediately we could assist. The Web has allowed us to do this. Why don’t we do this today? Take action today and start something in your community that involves giving to the less fortunate by leveraging the power of these new tools to reach others. We must start some where and it’s up to us to carry the torch forward and GIVE!

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

How are you GIVING back to society?

We know that life has laws. We know that achievement has laws. If you ask anyone that achieved a goal in life how did you do it? They will usually share; hard work, determination, goals, vision, many failures and the most important an attitude that failing to achieve the goal is not an option. It’s our choice. At some point in our lives we realize that we must fail to achieve. I know that I have done my share of failures and will do many more.

In order for you to achieve you must focus on doing something truly remarkable and better than anyone else. If it was easy to do everyone would do it. The most difficult part is getting back on the horse and staying focused on your goal. Every one of us has overcome a hurdle in life and achieved. We are all capable of achieving a goal or dream in our lives and the day you believe this will be the day that you will never look back to the fears in your own life.

To prove this concept I’m writing a book following the laws of success and incorporating these social media technologies to reach as many people in the world as possible. I plan on demonstrating the concept and prove the power of social media can expedite your success if used correctly. If I know the outcome because I will be applying the formula of success and failure is not an option I will succeed. As I type this blog I sit in my house with a beautiful view of a great sunny day. I had breakfast with my daughter and made her lunch. I have been working on my mission in life over the last two years knowing and believing in my purpose and quest in life are to help others by giving. I know that anything can be achieved if you focus on your goal(s) every day. Each to their own but I keep my goals written down on piece of paper in my wallet. The famous Ernest Nightingale the pioneer of achievement provided me this tip. You can get his CD record recording any where. Highly recommend listening too it. I keep mine in the car so when I have a set back I play it to keep me focused on my goals. He provided a 30 day test. Start yours today.

I have seen a need in this world for vision and clarity and most importantly focus. In the old days most of our parents and grandparents went to church but now most of us do not attend. (Statistical #’s only) We really have no governing body other than our criminal laws for our actions and the powers of the universe that we as humans have not uncovered but something else is out there spiritually. This is where many people’s spirituality or religious belief fulfills. Let me give you an example. How many times have you picked up the phone and the person you were thinking about is on the other line? Sometimes it has not even rung….LOL! I know this has happened too you… chance, fate, or destiny?

For me focus meant having a goal of playing soccer and my desire to play for my country in the Jr. World Cup and then a desire and focus to have a soccer scholarship and always wanting to be the best player I could be. Three knee surgeries later focused on academics and building a network of great people that I could call upon to drive value. My focus on these goals caused me to achieve. It was not until 2006 and I had a near death car accident that really made me reflect to who I was and where I was going. I will never forget hugging my girls when I got home from the hospital and not wanting to let them go. I realized that the powers above were giving me a warning that I was not on the right path. My focus or path was financial only. WRONG! What if I died that day? What would have happened to my girls? I was being selfish in thinking that climbing a corporate tower and making more money and spending less time with my family was the goal of life to achieve that financial freedom we see presented around us every day. Let me share you a secret that nearly cost me my life and my daughters their father…..MONEY is not what life is about. GIVING is what life’s all about. Fortunately I have uncovered this belief now in my thirties. I have plenty of time on this planet to make things happen and pass off to my children and next generations to come and know the mission will continue on. The bible teaches us about giving and Jesus giving (the ultimate sacrifice one can give) his life for civilization. What about all the soldiers fighting for their countries right now sacrificing their lives some where in the world for all of us? What about all the men and women that place themselves in danger every day for our safety and protection? These are the ultimate sacrifices. No strings just pure giving. Next time you see a man or lady in uniform say thanks! Just a little thank you can go along way!

Now I want to change my direction and dedicate my life to helping others. This is why I’m writing a book to share my findings that many of you already know. We only receive what we give. If we don’t contribute to society or an association we will not receive anything from the experience. This is another law of the Universe that cannot be broken.

The web turned 40 this year and we have now uncovered some true powers of this global information highway that nobody owns. Now with a click of the button we can share information with our community that does not have to be truthful or real but because we feel it should be shared? Notice the “Truthful” word. Be careful lots of chatter and it’s important for us as individuals and as companies to ask ourselves where this information came from and if this is a credible source. We have social media tools and applications at are finger tips. Now we must make a decision to what we do with these tools. Some people want to bring in the regulators because that’s what we are used too. Always people telling us what we can or can not do. What if the world has changed now and we know right from wrong and we do not want regulatory agencies telling us what we can and can not do. Why do we want regulators? Now we are always just a click away from sending a message/tweet to millions of people all over the world. In life we always have a choice and history repeats itself so we know some people will use this new power to bring greatness and touch many people’s lives. We will have criminals that will try and cheat our universe and end up back behind bars or on the run. Let’s focus on the positive. We have never been in such a great position to truly achieve greatness in what ever we want in our own lives by giving to fellow citizens. The possibilities are endless.

Imagine if we could have families register in a system on line that would notify the world that they need some type of assistance and immediately we could assist. The Web has allowed us to do this. Why don’t we do this today? Take action today and start something in your community that involves giving to the less fortunate by leveraging the power of these new tools to reach others. We must start some where and it’s up to us to carry the torch forward and GIVE!

By Kyle McGuffin

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thanks Mike St. Cyr for sharing this great inspirational video. Will Smith has life under control do you?