Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lets start focusing on change with our education system for the benefit of our children.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

LinkedIn News: Check out this link (via

How's your corporate fan page numbers? Filemobile can help!
Let’s stop the participating Ribbons Campaign Once and for All!

In 2004 a study showed by 2050, he says, Chinese will continue its predominance, with Hindi-Urdu of India and Arabic climbing past English, and Spanish nearly equal to it.
Swarthmore College linguist K. David Harrison

Do you know there are more University educated students in India than we have people….Yet North America has the highest ranked Universities…?

What does this mean?

Think about our world today and how we receive information and digest information…..Does it make any sense that we have bricks and mortar schools that have a time schedules set for children to arrive home and work on the farm fields? When was the last time you watched kids mowing lawns and gardening after school…? LOL!

Our system needs to change.

I attended a volleyball tournament for my daughter who is in grade six. When the girl knocked the ball over the net the boy caught it and then tried to mimic a volley…What is going on people? Someone in the crowd shared that this is the new way so the kids have more fun…..? Excuse me? So now we are changing rules to make things easier for our kids…..? If we make things more easier for our kids they will never have a job vs. the rest of the world that have to work for food. What do our children receive when the do anything in school…..A ribbon! What happens to it? Left behind because are schools provide ribbons for showing up or going to the bathroom…..Enough with the ribbon mentality…Wrong! This house league mentality is destroying our children’s ability to compete on a global stage. Do you remember how great it felt when you received that big golden trophy because you gave blood and sweat and earned this trophy? Now we just give them out to everyone……NOT!

When did we sign up to shield our children from learning to win and achieve. Who likes to lose? When we lose we learn so the next time we win. That is our human nature. Why are we teaching our children a fake world of reality? How will this help them in the business/real world? We are now competing for everything on a global level and we know that very soon English will be overtaken by Chinese as the primary language of the world.

I suspect that most of us had to find a job and contribute to the family. I started at 14 and have never stopped. Why do parents these days want to keep their children in a bubble and not have them understand the value of working for a pay cheque?

As parents we must do our part. Like many of us I’m a single father raising my girls half the time. My girls like your children have simple needs. They want to be loved. As a parent can we not fulfill this requirement? Don’t provide a nanny, video games, IPOD, or anything other than your time. Can we all make a pledge right now to do this..?

Lets start becoming involved with our children’s schools and voicing our opinions to move things back on track. We are falling behind everyday to the rest of the world. Start small but everyone needs to be involved if we are going to provide our children with the tools required in this new world!

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks Mitch, Ikea only using facebook and developing brand awareness by their customers. Brilliant!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great discussion on Social media with the experts. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Social Networking Is Here to Stay

Monday, November 23, 2009[])&utm_content=

Start your mini revolution today. Chris give us somethings to think about.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
A conversation with Olivier Blanchard
What are you willing to risk in achieving your goals and dreams?

This question comes to us many times in our lives and we may have different answers depending on where we are in this journey of life. Folks its gut check time. How’s your family right now? Do you have a spouse or loved one out of work? Have you had to sell your house or make some major financial decision? It’s ok. Let’s not lose sight of what are the most important things in our lives. I graduated in 95 and have never had a bad time….really! For most of us we have never been in such a brutal state of economic hardship. Our grandparents were kids in the great depression and have vague memories.

So what do we do?

The first thing is do not worry. Worrying is crippling and will eventually kill you. I have a great friend of mine and his name is Sugan. He used to have a great question for me when I was having challenges in my life. “Can you live with it?” At the end of the day can you move on with your life? If you can’t fix the challenge can you seek help in overcoming the challenge? You must focus on the positive in everything you do. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure breaths success and you can not achieve success with out failing. Stay focused on your goals. Do you write them down? I do and keep in my wallet so at any time when I become lost I can pull out and get focused. I started doing this in reaching my first major achievement. Playing for my country in soccer and participating in the 87 Jr. World Cup. My next major achievement was being the first person in our family to achieve a scholarship and to graduate with a University degree. My next achievement was landing employment with IBM and off I went into my technology career. Don’t let me mislead you I had many ups and downs along the way but my goals always kept me on track and if I did get knocked off track I could quickly find my way back to my goals. I found a great group on LinkedIn called Goal Achievers International. The gentlemen that started this group Phil Taylor has mastered these tips and is full of positive energy. Join these groups and surround yourself with people that have similar goals and dreams..

What is the alternative? When you wake up in the morning do you jump out of bed to make a difference or get up and wonder what your purpose is? If you’re not jumping start focusing on writing down your goals and get your life back on track. We always have at least two choices in our lives….Do nothing.. or do something... What choice are you going to make?

Don’t forget you are not alone and if you believe you can achieve anything you want.

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009
How do we incorporate Social Media into our daily routine at work?

As an entrepreneur you can start today. As an employee of a company you may have social media tools blocked on your computer. You may have a manager always looking over your should because they do not know what to do. If this is the case you should start a group internally that demonstrates the value of collaboration. It could be a charity event, holiday event. Think about the reasons we congregate at work. Why do we have group meetings? The most basic is the top person in your company wants to share results with the team. It could be shareholder earnings announcements. They may want your support and want to share the challenge in person. For what ever reason group collaboration is always taking place. If it’s not the water cooler it’s some where. It is our human nature to associate with like minded individuals and collaborate. Once you demonstrate the power of group collaboration then you can start adding business content. If you have a major global event /project try a pilot using a fan page on Facebook and or twitter to keep people updated in the group. If you work for a global company this could become very powerful.

The corporate world has been trained to build silos and protect. However if you are the best at what you do how can it be duplicated with out YOU?! Start sharing and see the power of social media. You will have obstacles because this is a new paradigm for business. Your management team has been trained to keep you focused on the task. However, the payoffs are huge and the values of having employees that believe in themselves and know the company appreciates them are the foundations required to prosper in the new paradigm.

Go out there and make a difference. Start small and dream big today!

By Kyle McGuffin[])&utm_content=Google+International

Chris gives us some great questions to think about. Have you set your social media strategy for your business?[])&utm_content=Google+International. When it comes to bridging the gap between Business and Social Media some great questions to think about. Do you have your social media strategy set?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Make your video today. your video today. Deadline is Nov 19th.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happiness comes from within!

What a world we have in front of us. Especially in North America, free of any wars and the ability to achieve anything we want. The internet allows us to reach global audiences. We have great educational institutions. So why do so many of us feel incomplete or not satisfied/happy?

Every day we are bombarded by media trying to sell us things that have no meaning and do not bring us any happiness. We are trained that we must have big houses and luxury cars because this sends a message to others we are successful. Why do we need to send out messages to others about our success if we are content with ourselves? Think about how many hours you spend each day doing the things you love. If you can’t say more than ½ your day I would say you have a challenge to get this balance right. Don’t make excuses. Do some soul searching and take control of your life. At the end of everyday who really can we trust to be there for us no matter what? For me this would be my family (my daughters) and close friends. Do you really think your current employer cares about you? In some cases you may have a great company that does focus on their employee’s wellness and understand balance in life. This is definitely not the norm these days.

So what can we do to take our life back? Do some soul searching. Think about in your everyday occurrence the people that really touch your soul. What do they do differently that makes them standout from the crowd? From the coffee shop, dry cleaner, gas station. Start focusing on what really matters too you and take everything in moderation. I speak from someone that got lost in what really matters. Fortunately I found my soul mate that has showed by example what life is all about. She spends the majority of her day giving wellness to her clients through exercise. I was focused on the wrong things and I now understand what’s important. We really all know deep down what’s important. Start today reaching out and take your happiness and don’t let anyone get in your way.

To living a fulfilled life, thanks Bobby-Jo for showing me the way.

By Kyle McGuffin

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Chris. Great tips to think about for blogging and your community.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 The Last Campaign: How Experiences Are Becoming the New Advertising. Customer testimonials always win. How will your company use Social Media tools to launch your next campaign?
Entrepreneurs can change the world, Thanks Marshall. Too all the entrepreneurs out there...Thank YOU!
Twitter announced the ability to have lists!

So why do we care that we can use lists for Twitter?

Folks, it’s our human nature to make lists. Grocery store list, Christmas lists, Household lists. Our famous to-do lists….We love lists! Now we can group are interests for our community, business, and personal life on twitter in lists. Now we can see the power of following the content we find relevant to our needs. Now it’s not about what you had for breakfast it’s about what we want to achieve today and how we can leverage the power of our community to achieve your list.

Let me give you an example. Everyday we wake up and in most cases have a routine. Workout, eat, work, interact, eat, work, interact, eat, work interact, family time and go to bed. Now we have the power to share with our communities the challenges and success we have on a daily basis in many ways. Twitter now has some structure and we love structure. Some of you may say, SO WHAT! Somewhere along this daily journey we need to buy things. Studies show us we trust family and friends more than anything. So now we can quickly reach people we think matter and make decisions based on the feedback. All our experiences can be shared and will allow us to read, listen, ask questions and interact on subjects with like minded people in our community. The larger your following is on Twitter the more desirable you become to product owners.

Start thinking about your community and how you can use your Twitter lists.

Happy twittering!

By Kyle McGuffin Twitter Lists are here and now we know how to use it. Do you have your Twitter account? you started building your community? Why not? Mitch gives us some great tips from lessons learned. Thanks Mitch!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Folks if these videos do not inspire you to stay focused on your goals.....check your pulse. GREAT STUFF! makes some great points to think about the next time someone asks for your presentation. Thanks Mitch. Folks where are the schools from Asia? is gaining in popularity. Have you formulated your strategy to utilize this tool?

Saturday, November 7, 2009 will be the next internet entrepreneur? Common theme..Simplicity...fulfilling a Customer need! you hired your social media person for your business? Some guidelines to follow by John Moore. Year 2 focus on ROI. You may want to take a closer look at Twitter.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Always great to end the week with great stories. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Great facts for your next gathering. Enjoy! Found a a little Thursday inspiration. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Internet has reached its 40th birthday! Where has the time gone....?

Can you believe that we have had the World Wide Web for 40 years?

Where has the time gone?

It was in 1969 that ARPANET, (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), was officially created. It began out of the Cold War rush to demonstrate scientific achievement. The United States department of Defense wanted to bridge scientists and engineers to openly and freely exchange information. So what has changed from 1969?

EVERYTHING….. or maybe not?

Think about our everyday routine…. I do not read a newspaper anymore. I read online with my coffee. Never thought I would give up the paper but it was not that difficult and the ability to share articles with my different communities works great. Also the ability and ease to share comments are brilliant. Not to mention how many trees we take out for the luxury of newspapers. Think about not knowing what a word means or before you meet with someone. Now we use Google! Great tool and allows you great insight to the person you are meeting. As a professional sales person we must respect the time of our customers and we need to be doing our homework. It is an easy and great way to differentiate from all the other sales people that try and make the engagement about their needs…NOT! It’s about knowing what’s on your customers mind and assisting on their challenges and making their day easier. How will you know their latest activities if you do not gather this information? In tough times you must stay focused on your goals and leverage all tools to maximize your success. Focus on giving value to your customers and you will see reciprocal results.

On the flip side if you Google yourself and it does not comeback positive…..FIX IT! Make a statement on line that speaks to the error or explains the blemish. The great news about the web is everything you do is visible. The bad news everything you do is visible.

It’s up to you where you go from here!

Happy googleing!

Make it a great day!

By Kyle McGuffin
Our world is changing faster than we can comprehend. Who will step up and be the worlds next leaders? If you believe anything is possible.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Great books to read after Six Pixels of Separation. Thanks Mitch.
Determined fraudsters find easy pickings on Facebook -

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Post-Recession Consumer

John Gerzema is the co-author of the book, The Brand Bubble. He spoke at TEDx KC about what the Post-Crisis Consumer will look like.

These 17-minutes will make you think differently about how you sell and market - especially when you consider that your consumers are no longer the same people they were prior to the recession: TEDx KC - John Gerzema: The post-crisis consumer.